Mozzartbet registration

Mozzartbet registration is a bookmaker from Serbia. The company’s activity is regulated by a license of the local Ministry of Finance. Apart from the Serbian one, the bookmaker has recently launched a platform for Kenya, working only with clients from this African country. The company has no international permits. The main areas of activity are sports betting, casino and virtual games.

mozzartbet registration

The official Mozzart Bet resource is very easy to navigate. The top panel contains all the services of the company. To the right, as usual, are the buttons to enter the personal cabinet and registration. In the middle – the best offers at the moment. On the left – sports betting lines with a choice of start times (1 day, 2 days, 3 days, for all time). At the bottom – everything else (rules, contacts, information about licensing, etc.).

Supported interface language is only 1 – actually, Serbian. The main colors of the site – gray and blue of different shades.

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